

No.281 Natural hazards mapping — International forum Kato Hirokazu, Kinugasa Yoshihiro, Tsukuda Eikichi and Wakita Koji (Ed.) No281.pdf(12.5MB)
Introduction of environmental geologic map series of China Yonghou Duan
Geological hazards map of Japan Yamazaki Haruo
Natural hazards mapping in East Asia by CPMP and USGS Terman Maurice J.
Natural hazards mapping and GIS development in the Australian region Johnson R. Wally
Progress in the international decade for natural disaster reduction Sudo Ken
Hazard map and international cooperation Hashizume Michiko and Missotten R.
A framework for regional and global seismic hazard assessment Giardini Domenico
ESCAP'S position vis-a-vis natural hazards mapping in Asia and the Pacific Region Wees Huub Van
Hazard map project and related activities of natural disaster science in Japn Mizutani Shinjiro
Eastern Asia natural hazards mapping project — A contribution to the IDNDR and GSHAP Kinugasa Yoshihiro
Natural hazards data and information in the United States Dunbar Paula K., Dana Sylvia C. and Park Paul Kilho
Applications of satellite remote sensing and GIS, to the inventory and analysis of geological hazards: A review of the results of an USESCO sponsored project of international cooperation Rengers Niek and Soeters Robert
Methodology for regional mapping of natural hazards using remote sensing and geographical information systems: The experience of the GARS programme in Colombua Leroi Eric, Missotten Robert, Rouzeau Olivier, Scanvic Jean-Yves, Vargas German and Weber Christian
The international directroy network and connected data information systems for research in the earth and space sciences Thieman James R.
Institutional program at Asian Institute of Technology and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Gupta Satyendra P.
Seismic hazards and mapping of China Guoyu Ding
Geologic hazards in China and their prevention Zhangzhong Xie., Guoxiang Zhang., Lieding Que and Yonghou Duan
Volcanic hazards mapping in Indonesia Sukhyar R.
Geological hazard in Indonesia Bahar Irwan
Geohazard in Peninsular Malaysia Mohamed Zakaria
Natural hazards in Korea Lee Su-gon
Seismoactive faults in relation to earthquakes of Mongolia Dorjnamjaa D., Badarch G. and Ganbaatar L.
Overview of geological hazards in Vietnam Tri Tran Van
Natural hazards in Cambodia: Flood disaster Xovalsay Thach
Natural hazards mapping in India Narula P. L.
No.280 西南日本における重力データベースの構築 志知龍一・山本明彦 No280.pdf(18.7MB)
A Bouguer gravity anomaly map in Central Japan Gravity Research Group in Southwest Japan
関東山地北部における重力異常について 駒澤正夫・村田泰章・高倉伸一・二宮芳樹・丹治耕吉
地形および地質データを用いた重力データの画像化表現法 村田泰章・野呂春文
西南日本の重力データと重力異常図,および重力データ解析プログラムのCD-ROM作成 野呂春文・志知龍一