

No.279 PART I. Magmatic contributions to hydrothermal systems Hedenquist Jeffrey W. (Ed.) No279.pdf(27MB)
Japan-U.S. seminar on magmatic contributions to hydrothermal systems Muffler L. J. Patrick., Hedenquist Jeffrey W., Kesler Stephen E. and Izawa Eiji
Diffuse degassing of carbon dioxide through volcanic systems: Observed facts and implications Allard Patrick
Subvolcanic degassing of magma Anderson Alfred T. Jr.
Magmatic fluid discharging to the surface from the Osorezan geothermal systems, northern Honshu, japan Aoki Masahiro
Magmatic and meteoric fluids in porphyry copper deposits Beane Richard E.
Can we recognize magmatic fluid inclusions in fossil systems based on room-temperature phase relations and microthermometric behavior ? Bodnar Robert J.
Physical and chemical constraints on magmatic aqueous phase exsolution: Toward an integrated field, experimental and computational approach Candela Phillip A., Piccoli Philip M., Williams Thomas J. and Lynton Stephen J.
Pre-eruption hydrothermal systems at Pinatubo, Philippines and El Chichon, Mexico: Evidence for degassing magmas beneath Dormant volcanoes Casadevall Thomas J.
The interaction of a hydrothermal system with its intrusive heat source Cathles Lawrence M.
Search for magmatic signatures in Japanese geothermal fluids Chiba Hitoshi
The composition of Ruapehu Crater Lake, New Zealand: Evolution of a vent hosted hydrothermal System Christenson Bruce W. and Wood C. Peter
Magmatic hydrothermal system beneath Kuju Volcano, Central Kyushu, Japan Ehara Sachio
The influences of depth of burial and brittle-plastic transition on the evolution of magmatic fluids Fournier Robert O.
Constant magma supply and constant generation of pyroclastic flows during eruption of Unzen-dake, Kyushu, Japan Fujii Toshitsugu, Nakada Setsuya and Sato Hiroshi
Magmatic gases in fluid inclusions from hydrothermal ore deposits Graney Joseph R. and Kesler Stephen E.
Recognition of magmatic contributions to active and extinct hydrothermal systems Hedenquist Jeffrey W.
Complex interaction between hydrothermal activity and basic andesitic magma, White Island Volcano, New Zealand 1976-1991 Houghton B. F. and Nairn I. A.
Evolution of volcanic and hydrothermal systems in southern Kyushu Izawa Eiji
Geophysical background of Kirishima Volcanoes Kagiyama Tsuneomi
Sulfur isotopic effects in the disproportionation reaction of sulfur dioxide at hydrothermal temperatures Kusakabe Minoru and Komoda Yasuo
Evidence for extreme partitioning of copper into a magmatic volatile phase Lowenstern Jacob B., Mahood Gail A., Rivers Mark L. and Sutton Stephen R.
Magmatic heating and brine diapirism in the Salton Trough Rift McKibben Michael A.
Origin of magmatic waters in subduction zones: Stable isotopic constraints Matsuhisa Yukihiro
The geological setting of coupled igneous-hydrothermal systems: A geothermal perspective Muffler L. J. Patrick
Compositional zoning and the genesis of pegmatite garnet: A product of final stage crystallization of granitic magma Nakano Takanori and Nishiyama Yukiko
Pyroxene composition as an indicator to classify magmatic-hydrothermal sharn deposits Nakano Takanori, Yoshino Takashi, Shimazaki Hidehiko and Shimizu Masaaki
Composition of fluids related to Ok Tedi mineralization, Papua New Guinea Nedachi Munetomo
Synorogenic hydrogeological systems in the Canadian Cordillera and their impact on the formation of ores by igneous processes Nesebitt Bruce E.
Origin of diverse hydrothermal fluids by reaction og magmatic volatiles with wall rock Reed Mark H.
Assessment of magmatic components of the fluids at Mt. Pinatubo volcanic-geothermal system, Philippines from chemical and isotopic data Ruaya J. R., Ramos M. N. and Gonfiantini R.
Does acid volcanic gas represent magmatic discharge at depth ? Shinohara Hiroshi
The porphyry-epithermal transition Sillitoe Richard H.
Fluids in the source regions of subduction zone magmas: Clues from the study of volatiles in Mariana Trough magmas Stolper Edward M. and Newman Sally
Getting the gold from the gas: How recent advances in volcanic-gas research have provided new insight on metal transport in magmatic fluids Symonds Robert B.
Magmatic contributions to the hot springs in the Hokusatsu gold metallogenic province, Kyushu, Japan Taguchi Sachihiro, Inamori Hidemi, Koga Akito, Kita Itsuro and Nagano Keisuke
Geometrical relationship between hydrothermal convection systems and their heat source: Examples from the Hohi and Sengan geothermal areas in Japan Tamanyu Shiro
Chemical and isotopic composition of fumarolic gases from Kamchatka and Kurile Islands Taran Yuri A.
Hydrogen isotopes in amphiboles and micas from Quaternary laves of the Kamchatka-Kurile arc system Taran Yuri A., Pokrovsky B. G. and Volynts O. N.
Degassing of H2O from rhyolite magma during eruption and shallow intrusion, and the isotopic composition of magmatic water in hydrothermal systems Taylor B. E.
Don't work hard at high pressures, Ms. Magma! Urabe Tetsuro
Thermo-chronological study of hydrothermal systems and magma intrusion: An example from Goto-Fukue Island, Nagasaki, Japan Urabe Tetsuro and Takada Akira
PART II. The behavior of volatiles in magma Urabe Tetsuro and Takada Akira
The behavior of volatiles in magma: 4th symposium on deep-crustal fluids Urabe Tetsuro and Takada Akira
Experimental studies bearing on the behavior of volatiles in magmas Stolper Edward
Analysis of water and carbon dioxide in gass inclusions using a laser microprobr technique Saito Genji
Importance of volatiles on the activity model of Izu-Oshima Volcano Kazahaya Kohei and Shinohara Hiroshi
Degassing of CO2 from Kilauea: Carbon isotope evidence and implications for magmatic contributions to sediment-hosted submarine hydrothermal systems Taylor Bruce E.
Interaction between convection and bubble mibration in magmas Koyaguchi Takehiro
Possible role of pre-eruption degassing history on the groundmass textures of basaltic lavas from Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan: An experimental investigation on the population density of plagioclase Sato Hiroaki
Distribution and evolution of H2O and CO2 in some rhyolitic magmas Anderson Alfred T. Jr.
Explosive volcanism caused by convective instability in a bubbling magma chamber Fujii Noriyuki, Nakano Tsukasa and Kimura T.
Vesiculation from the bottom: A mechanism for large scale vesiculation in magma chambers Kurita Kei, Kuri Miwa and Kobayashi Yohji
Hydrogen isotope ratios of hydrous minerals from several Japanese Quaternary volcanoes Miyagi Isoji and Matsubayashi Osamu
Excess pore pressure of the 1991 dacite dome lava of Unzen Volcano and the generation of pyroclastic flows Sato Hiroaki, Fujii Toshitsugu and Nakada Setsuya
No.278 地質リモートセンシングに関する研究 津 宏治 (編) No278.pdf(21MB)
岩石・鉱物のスペクトル・データベース・システム 浦井 稔・佐藤 功・二宮芳樹・津 宏治
可視〜短波長赤外域における粘土・炭酸塩岩の反射スペクトルとその特徴 浦井 稔・佐藤 功・二宮芳樹・古宇田亮一・宮崎芳徳・山口 靖
地質調査所岩石標準試料“火成岩シリーズ”の中間赤外領域反射スペクトル 二宮芳樹・佐藤 功
Discrimination of lithology using remote sensing data in the Visible and near-infrared regions Yamaguchi Yasushi
シミュレーションデータによるJERS-1光学センサの岩石識別のためのバンド組合せ 佐藤 功