地質調査所月報 Vol.49 No.6 (1998)

(写真撮影 : 1994年8月 須藤定久)
タイトル | 著者 | |
Geological collaboration between Japan and Mongolia | Terumasa NAKAJIMA (237-238) | 49-06_01.pdf (264KB) |
Phanerozoic felsic magmatism and related mineralization in Mongolia | Ochir GEREL (239-248) | 49-06_02.pdf (1,325KB) |
K-Ar dating of granitoids and hydrothermal micas from the northern part of Kherlen Depression, Mongolia | Satoshi MURAO , Danjindorjiin DORJGOTOV and Tsagaanbilegiin TSEDEN (249-255) | 49-06_03.pdf (1,949KB) |
Organic geochemistry and palynology of Lower Cretaceous Zuunbayan oil shales, Mongolia | Masanobu YAMAMOTO, Delegiin BAT-ERDENE, Pureyiin ULZIIKHISHIG, Yoshio WATANABE, Noboru IMAI, Yoshiteru KAJIWARA, Nobuyori TAKEDA and Terumasa NAKAJIMA (257-274) | 49-06_04.pdf (2,171KB) |
Extraction of clay mineral alteration zone in eastern Mongolia using JERS-1 data | Takashi OOKA, Hideya METSUGI, Manabu KAKU and Kazuhiro ADACHI (275-290) | 49-06_05.pdf (11,348KB) |
短報 | ||
Preliminary study on the characteristics of Tsagaan tsakhir uul gold deposit, Bayankhongor, southern Mongolia | Sereenen JARGALAN and Satoshi MURAO (291-298) | 49-06_06.pdf (1,548KB) |
資料 | ||
Previous studies on the Erdenetiin ovoo porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Mongolia | Gunchingin DEJIDMAA and Kazuki NAITO (299-308) | 49-06_07.pdf (2,039KB) |
Fluorite deposits in Mongolia:an outline | Jargalyn LKHAMSUREN and Satoshi HAMASAKI (309-318) | 49-06_08.pdf (1,209KB) |
A manual of Romanization of Mongolian geographical terms | Renzo NUKUSINA (319-340) | 49-06_09.pdf (1,331KB) |