Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.30 No.8 (1979)

Table of Contents

Geochemistry of Some Iodine-rich Rocks and Brines from the Mobara Gasfield, 50km Southeast of Tokyo Koji MOTOJIMA and Takashi HIRUKAWA (441-457) 30-08_01.pdf(1,516KB)
On the Mineralogical Character and Geologic Occurrence of the Roofing-Tile Clay in Hannan-cho, Osaka Prefecture Ryoji KOMURA (459-467) 30-08_02.pdf(1,319KB)
[ Notes ] (469-477) 30-08_03.pdf(870KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar, No. 139 (479-485) 30-08_04.pdf(892KB)