Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.49 No.1 (1998)
Cover photograh | Table of Contents |
Cover photograh

Azurite and malachite (Specimen no.GSJ M32857)
Collected from the oxidized zone of the Kinkama Mo-Cu Mine, Ryugeji, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Northern Kyushu, Japan. This ore deposit was formed as hydrothermal vein of molybdenite and chalcopyrite, related to the Paleogene granites.
(Photoed by Michiaki BUNNO)
Table of Contents
Title | Author | |
Active structures and their relation to earthquakes along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea | Yukinobu OKAMURA, Shin-ichi KURAMOTO and Mikio SATOH (1-18) | 49-01_01.pdf(4,517KB) |
K-Ar ages of white micas from pelitic schists of the Bayanhongor area, west Mongolia | Chikao KURIMOTO, Floragiin TUNGALAG, Lkhamsuren BAYARMANDAL and Niidengiin ICHINNOROV (19-23) | 49-01_02.pdf(436KB) |
The granitoid series in Bayankhongor area, central Mongolia | Yuhei TAKAHASHI, Sambuu OYUNGEREL, Kazuki NAITO and Baljinnyamiin DELGERTSOGT (25-32) | 49-01_03.pdf(1,173KB) |
[ Notes ] A practical guide to writing geological reports in English |
Morimasa YOSHII (33-53) | 49-01_04.pdf(1,324KB) |
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