Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.41 No.1 (1990)

Table of Contents

Diatom biostratigraphy of the Neogene Sendai Group, Northeast Honshu, Japan Yukio YANAGISAWA (1-25) 41-01_01.pdf(8,410KB)
JLk-1, JLs-1 and JDo-1, GSJ rock reference samples of the"Sedimentary rock series" Atsushi Atsushi ANDO, Takashi OKAI, Yoshio INOUCHI, Toshio IGARASHI, Sadahisa SUDO, Katsumi MARUMO, Shiro ITOH and Shigeru TERASHIMA (27-48) 41-01_02.pdf(8,538KB)